
We suggest you the best according to your requirments

by Pooja A 0 comments

We are here to help you with your home setup which allows you to work comfortably without having any health issues and give your home a ergonomic office look.We suggest the best products according to your requirements.For more assistance feel free contact us on sales@rifeindia.com or 9899250704, 8851524150. #comfortable #comfortingtechno #deskgoals #ordernow #smartdesk #healthylifestyle #ergonomic #deskstand #active #healthydesking #officespace #workstation #office #furniture #moderndesk #ergonomicproducts #worklife #laptopstand #affordable #india #workplace #sitstanddesk #ergonomicsolutions #rifetechnologies #sitstandworkstation #ergonomicdesign #heathyworking #desksetup #deskorganization #yourbodyposture #officework #deskwork #deskjob #neckpain #backstrain #posture #workingfromhome #WorkBetterFeelBetter #backsupport #deskconverter #technology #comfortintechnology #workfromhome #productivity #sales #wfh #work #adjustabledesk #officedesign #homeoffice #electricdesk #workspace #workspacegoals #standingdesk #ergonomics #heightadjustabledesk #workspacedesign #healthydesign #standandwork #smartoffice #modernoffice #officefurniture #healthywork



Negatives of Excess Sitting While Working on Computer

by Pooja A 0 comments

Sitting Too Much? We’ve Got Some Bad News for You. Sitting is the New Smoking And Here’s What You Should Know We know that sitting is the new smoking and creates a series of postural imbalances. As human beings, we are not designed to sit for long periods of time. From impaired bowel function, heart disease, obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle via sitting poses a host of health consequences. Even worse - when using the wrong ergonomics and sitting in front of a computer. If that sounds like you, keep reading. The Downsides of Sitting Too Much You...



Monitor Arm Ergonomics Basics

by Pooja A 0 comments

Quick Guide to Monitor Arm Ergonomics In today’s digital age, we’re all busy working in office spaces.  Sitting for long hours can be detrimental to health which is why many professionals are choosing to use standing desks. If you’re working on a desktop or workstation, you want to make sure that your monitor is at least an inch or two higher from the default desk height while standing. Standing desk users find that using monitor arms to stabilize their displays helps in improving their productivity, focus, and de-clutters their workspaces. There’s zero space for discomfort when you’re trying to stay...